
Perry Central's Precision Ag Class, led by Mrs. Carrie Guillaume, is partnering with Scott Massey's new company, GrowPod to build vertical towers for food production.  Mr. Massey's goal is to create a product that can be used in food deserts across the country.  Perry Central students are partnering with Mr. Massey to experiment with different plants to see which will produce the best in this environment. We are the first high school to use his product. Precision Ag Senior, Jared Wagner, utilized the skills he learned from construction class to assemble and build the grow tower frame and hydroponic tower himself. Jared has been committed to the project ever since, investing a lot of his own time into ensuring its success. Jared will also be leading his Precision Ag team in developing a manual for GrowPod. The manual will be a layout for other schools to use for assembly. #good2bgreen