almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Are you able to identify these items? Do you know why or how these items are used? If not, please attend Perry Central’s Vape Education at 6:30 p.m. tomorrow in the elementary cafeteria. A light meal will be provided and prize drawings will be available for those in attendance. For parents or students who would like to report any of these items, please feel free to fill out the anonymous vape/drug report on our website:
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Perry Central BPA preparing for SLC Opening Session. Fantastic group of young adults!! 💚🤍 #GoodToBeGreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Congratulations to Mrs. Guillaume and the Perry Central FFA for their success at the FFA Leadership Contest last Friday! Our future in agriculture is bright! #good2bgreen 1st place winners: Celena Peter and Maggie Taylor - Food Science Demonstration Maggie Taylor - Extemporaneous Speaking Persuasive Essay - Olivia Berger Job interview - Cody Guillaume Klyne Kelly and Eva Decker - Animal Science Demonstration Aubrie Hubert and Payton Park - Food Science Tate Richard and Cohen Harpenau - Plant and Soil Science Second place: Avery Deom - Ag Sales Caleb Vanwinkle and Dakota Micheal - Animal Science demonstration Talent - Tyler Kleaving 3rd place: Tasha Poole and Natalee Tempel - Horticulture Demonstration Jackson Wallace - Welding Contest
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Thanks to Anjan Kashyab and his team from An Island for visiting Kris Walsh’s Computer Science classes last Friday. They talked about computer science careers, phishing and spoofing! It is always great to have our community partners working with our students!! #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Good luck to all of our BPA students next week at the state BPA contest!! We are proud of you! #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Don't forget to Spring Forward! Remember to set your clocks forward one hour this weekend, time changes March 12th.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Spring Forward
Perry Central School Resource Officer Clark and High School STAND students will be giving an informative presentation on vaping for all parents that you won't want to miss! Meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the Elementary Cafeteria. A light meal will be provided and prize drawings will be available for those in attendance. Vaping among preteens and teenagers has become extremely prevalent. Did you know that: - Students as young as 4th grade are experimenting with vapes in Perry County? - Students caught with vapes one time are more than likely to have recurring violations with vapes? - Vaping does not just include nicotine; Officer Clark is field testing vapes containing THC. - Vapes can be different sizes and shapes, including disguises such as pens and USB ports.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Good luck to the boys basketball team & coaches at sectional tonight! Perry Central will take on North Posey at 6:00 p.m. at Tell City. We hope to see the stands filled with green to cheer on the Commodores! #good2bgreen 🏀💚
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Good Luck
Good evening, Commodores! We are going to have a 2-hour delay on Friday, March 3rd due to the impending severe weather in the forecast. We have buses traveling roads that are susceptible to high water, and we would like to at least allow the sun to come up so that visibility is better. Depending on the wind, rain and updated radar, we may end up needing to cancel for the day, but we are hoping for the best. Families should plan on a delay ONLY unless you get another message from us tomorrow morning. Thank you for understanding! Stay safe, Commodores!
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Perry Central Athletic Department has kicked off their Merkley Meat Spring Fundraiser. The fundraiser will run through Wednesday, March 15th. Be sure to find any athlete in grades 5-12 and get your order placed! Items can be viewed online here:
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Mark you calendar! Perry Central will be celebrating the 20 year softball anniversary on Thursday, April 6, 2023. Recognition will be before the Varsity Softball game vs. Orleans. Game time is 5:00 p.m.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Congratulations to the Perry Central French Horn Trio that received a GOLD rating at State Solo and Ensemble this past Saturday. (L-R) Band Director Andrea Clark, Madison Kelly, Justin French and Elise Lawalin. #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
In honor of the boys basketball sectional we will have spirit days next week! 💚 Monday: Black Out Tuesday: Twin Day Wednesday: Pink Out Thursday: Jr./Sr. HS - Beach / Elem - Dr. Suess (Crazy Hat & Socks) Friday: Hometown Hoops Shirt / Crazy Green Day
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Thank you to Southwest Indiana Small Business Development Center for discussing and explaining the process of creating developing a small business with our students this week. We are excited about this work place challenge! Students are learning from the ISBDC and will share their plans with them for feedback. It is engaging when students participate in authentic work! #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Mark your calendar! Perry Central boys basketball will play host to the Mitchell Bluejackets in the Historic Hoosier gym on Saturday January 27, 2024! 🏀
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Perry Central Elementary is now accepting Kindergarten enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year. Children who will be five by August 1, 2023 are eligible to attend Kindergarten. Students currently enrolled in preschool at Perry Central do not need to complete the enrollment form, they are automatically registered for next year. “Welcome” enrollment packets will be mailed in March. Visit for more information. If you have any questions please call the Elementary office at 812-843-5122.
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
For Small Business Thursday this week, Pick Perry visited Perry Central. They talked to the students about how Pick Perry builds our community and gave them ideas for their future! We appreciate their time and information shared with us. #good2bgreen
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 2/21/2023
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central
Daily Scores 2/21/2023
The 6th-grade girls' basketball team ended its fantastic season at an impressive 10-2 record. A common theme in basketball is height=good basketball players. However, the girls showed this season that this is not always true, as they didn’t have a lot of height but had all the heart and hustle that they could give. Coaches Kelley Litherland and Laura James emphasized the need for aggressive play throughout the season. Coach Litherland quoted, “Coach Laura James and I consistently encouraged aggressive play, reminding the girls that it’s their decision to work harder than the other team. It’s their decision to sprint up and down the floor on every possession, to go after every loose ball, and to fight for every rebound. We may not play every game well, but we can always make a conscious decision to play hard and give 150% of ourselves.” Their two losses came to Cedar Crest, and both games were hard-fought to the very end with the second game even going into overtime. The coaches made sure to spotlight the importance of teamwork and sportsmanship. The girls kept a positive and respectful attitude toward each other, the coaches, and the referees. This group of girls supported and encouraged each other to keep the mindset, “Be Great”. The girls made a point to always remember that how you practice is how you play. This group of girls has shown they are well-equipped to take on the new opportunities and challenges that junior high brings!
almost 2 years ago, Perry Central